Honor Society Advisor Receives National Recognition



贞洁里士满, Senior Coordinator of Student Success and Advisor for the NLC Chapter of the National Society of 领导 and Success (NSLS), has been recognized as an outstanding advisor and support liaison by the organization’s national president. As advisor of this group for two years, she was recognized for her continued commitment to the Society’s mission and for effectively motivating the student members at NLC to attain their individual goals, and enhance their leadership skills. She also helped to prepare them for their post-college careers. Ms. 里士满有她的M.Ed. from the University of Kansas and is currently pursuing a doctorate degree.

NSLS is the nation's largest leadership honor society.  This collegiate organization focuses on goal attainment, community involvement, and leadership. 十大网赌正规网址官网 大学 students are inducted into this Honor Society annually during the Spring semester.